Hylink Group


    • Sectors Publicidad
    • Cuántas contrataciones hacen mensualmente  3
    • En qué año se fundó la empresa  1994
    • NIT  9016830933

    Company Description

    Hylink Group was created from pure ambition. From the day we earned our very first client in 1994, to the global scale we have grown to become, our singular focus remains clear: work tirelessly to help our clients exceed their own ambitions. Whether crafting innovative campaigns that deliver storytelling at scale, or optimizing the curation and deployment of media with purpose, we believe each project is an opportunity to use our extraordinary diversity to reach, and to learn, and to grow stronger and more capable than ever before. It’s a journey with no finish line, and that’s just the way we like it. That’s why we’re looking for talented individuals who share that passion to come join our team.


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